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simglasögon simglasögon Frogglez pink

Frogglez simglasögon för barn

Goggles fitting children up to about & nbsp; three years, in a completely new design that has been developed by a father who got tired of crying children as he tried to adjust the children swim goggles without pulling them by the hair!
Frogglez a unique design with a band made of soft neoprene, similar to the material that you have in wetsuits, which slides easily over the hair and keep goggles in place.
Two awesome colors / patterns makes them not only easy to use but also fun!

Frogglez comes packed in a cool bag that is perfect for storing either the goggles or other small things during swimming.

Frogglez is available in two colors:
Pink - Pink goggles with ready Lens
Blue - Blue goggles with Clear Lens

Sorry - this product is currently not avaiable for purchase.

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