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buy giftcard Presentkort Linneashopen

Presentkort 100 kr

100 kr
Not available
Not available
Product Description

Digital gift card that is valid in the Linneas shop. Issued at the amount you want. Enter the number of SEK 100, can be combined with the SEK 500 gift card.

When you buy your gift card, we will send you a code that you can give to the recipient of the gift card.

Validity 1 year.


Item ID:


All purchases are prepaid by PayPal.


PayPal is a payment service provider owned by eBay. It has over 100 million users worldwide and many companies use their payment service. Using PayPal is easy and fast. Payments are made with only a couple of clicks and the money is immediately transferred to the sellers PayPal account. Continue reading here.



The shipping cost is a fixed cost for the private consumer and based on the currency and country you are shipping to. It will be displayed in the shopping cart before the final step of check-out. Shipping costs are subject to change.

Delivery Time

We send your order the same day if it is processed before 9 am CET. All products with "Available" are in stock will be sent immediately. 

The products are packed in our offices in Sweden and are sent through couriers.

Approximate Delivery:
  • Sweden 1-2 days
  • Nordic countries 2-4 days
  • Europe 2-4 days
  • Rest of the world 4-14 days

Due to the postal service delivery times varying, we only present approximate delivery times.

Unclaimed Packages

In case of an unclaimed package, you will be charged both for the delivery and the return. 

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