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Regarding parcels pick up at service point, we are having some delays. We are sorry for the inconvenience and we are working with solving the problem as soon as possible.

Trygg e-handel - Shop Trustmark



The Svensk Distanshandel's "safe e-commerce" Trustmark, "Trygg E-handel" was introduced in 2007 in a coalition between private and public organizations.

The role of the Trustmark is to support clear, simple and unified guidelines for both consumers and e-commerce companies.

The Trustmark covers issues such as:


- Company information

- The product and the total cost

- Timeframe of shipping

- Warranty

- Cancellation of contract

- Complaints

- Manual of usage

- Consumers under age

- Financial security

- Safe payments solutions


The responsible administrator carries out random check-ups. Members of the Trustmark are also given a financial rating. An external party audits members' homepages.


Trygg E-handel is apart of EMOTA, European Trustmark for E-Commerce which gives us the certificate of EMOTA. Linneashopen's Certificate if the link does not work, please visit





